Monday, April 05, 2010

Opening Day with Dad

Play Ball! Those words will echo throughout America's ball parks today. Baseball returns for another season full of hopes and disappointments. Yet as other fans dreams turn toward their favorite teams or players my heart will be with my father as I watch yet another Chicago Cub opening game without him.

Every year, as far back as I can remember, my father and I would watch each Cubs opening game. Regardless if I lived in St. Louis, Jackson, or Nashville, that special day in April would find me in Paducah beside my dad. The drinks would be cold and the chips plentiful as we settled in front of our television and turned on WGN. Our afternoon would be full of yelling and cheering, as well as, griping and complaining. Yet side-by-side we would watch America's past time pass before us.

And today I find myself watching my second first Cubs game without him. And I realize I'm not so much a Cub fan anymore as I am a fan of the memories of baseball with my dad. Yes, I'll cheer and curse, yell and complain all season long. But with each inning I watch on television my dreams will not be on whether the Cubs win the World Series but with the memory of the sparkle in my dad's eye as we watched - together - every season's opening day game.


Jana Lynn said...

Thats awesome..sorry its with the braves and as of now..they kickin cub butt.

lana1969 said...

I wish I could have been there to see you and your dad watch those games together.

lana1969 said...

JFYI. . . You are not a common man. You are an exceptional man.